Running Liferay eclipse on 4 GB ram makes my system slow or eclipse will in hanged state
So thought of running tomcat through cmd prompt. to search errors in tomcat console i find difficult
so i have thought of redirecting the tomcat output console to a file
the first step is to open the startup.bat file in editor and search for following command
replace that line with following line
call "%EXECUTABLE%" run >..\logs\outputfile.log 2>&1 start %CMD_LINE_ARGS% run >..\logs\outputfile.log 2>&1
now all the tomcat console will be redirected to a file
So thought of running tomcat through cmd prompt. to search errors in tomcat console i find difficult
so i have thought of redirecting the tomcat output console to a file
the first step is to open the startup.bat file in editor and search for following command
replace that line with following line
call "%EXECUTABLE%" run >..\logs\outputfile.log 2>&1 start %CMD_LINE_ARGS% run >..\logs\outputfile.log 2>&1
now all the tomcat console will be redirected to a file
1 comment:
compileInclude group: 'org.apache.poi', name: 'poi', version: '4.1.2'
compileInclude group: 'org.apache.poi', name: 'poi-ooxml', version: '4.1.2'
compileInclude group: 'org.apache.poi', name: 'poi-ooxml-schemas', version: '4.1.2'
compileInclude group: 'org.apache.xmlbeans', name: 'xmlbeans', version: '3.1.0'
Import-Package: \
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